Water Jetting Association
Hear from the experts – speakers at WJA Trade Show 2024 

Hear from the experts – speakers at WJA Trade Show 2024 

Hear from the experts – speakers at WJA Trade Show 2024 

August 15, 2024  -  Water Jetting Association

Development of WJA codes of practice, a joined up approach to water jetting, how a safe workplace does not happen by accident and leadership in water jetting – all key topics of talks that will be given at WJA Trade Show 2024. 

Six speakers are currently booked in to give presentations during the one-day exhibition – the first of its kind organised by the Water Jetting Association, on Thursday 12th September. 

Experts from the WJA and four exhibitors are lined up to give the talks throughout the day in the exhibition hall at the StoneX Stadium in Hendon, North London, home of the Saracens Rugby Club. 

Book your FREE ticket for WJA Trade Show 2024 today. The event venue is less than 10 minutes from the end of the M1, with free on-site parking for visitors. 

WJA President John Jones, a former leading WJA training course examiner/coach, will be giving a presentation about leadership in water jetting. 

He explained: “In any safety-critical operation, effective leadership is vital, and water jetting is no different. It must also manifest itself at all levels, from the operational team to the company board. 

“Having good leadership means more than just effective management alone. Some of the best leaders I’ve worked with are experienced water-jetting operatives with little or no management responsibility.” 

John Jones will: 

  • Explore why water jetting contractors need to create an environment for good leadership, with management procedures that combine high internal standards with WJA codes of practice; 
  • Review water jetting perspectives on risk assessment; 
  • Discuss the new WJA management module, which will be available in 2025. 

WJA Technical Manager Gordon Taylor will give a talk entitled ‘A Brief History of the WJA and our Codes of Practice’. 

A key element of his talk will be recent developments of the codes of practice and future plans to make sure they continue to support effective and safe working practices. 

The WJA now has three codes of practice: 

  • The Blue Code – For the safe use of high pressure and ultra-high pressure water jetting equipment; 
  • The Red Code – For the safe use of water jetting equipment in drains and sewers and surface preparation with a jetting gun at pressures up to 275 bar that an operative can comfortably hold; 
  • The Purple Code – launched in 2024 – For the safe use of pressure washers with pressures up to 207 bar and flow up to 22 litres per minute. 

Gordon Taylor said: “The WJA began working on its first code of practice very soon after it was founded in October 1980. 

“They remain central to our purpose to this day. For example, they directly inform our approach to the WJA’s City & Guilds and ABBE accredited training courses and the content within them. 

“We’re also pleased to say the HSE now recognises WJA codes of practice as setting the standard for our industry and is working directly with us as we continuously update them to meet current and future operational challenges.” 

Book your FREE ticket for WJA Trade Show 2024 today. The event venue is less than 10 minutes from the end of the M1, with free on-site parking for visitors. 

Exhibitor Arco Professional Safety Services will be giving a talk entitled: A joined-up approach to water jetting, including PPE requirements and training. 

The presentation will be led by Steve McIver, the company’s training & consultancy team leader, and Wendy Gaynor, Arco’s UK strategic development manager. 

They will emphasis that a strong, and well supported, health and safety culture sits at the heart of the most effective water jetting teams. 

Swedish PPE manufacturer TST will give a presentation about how its Safety First ethos drives development of some of the world’s most widely used protective water jetting clothing and equipment. 

Other topics covered in the talk by TST Market and Sales Director Peder Lindström include: risk analysis; the CE Europa standard/UK standard; safety training; obligations of employers and how a safe workplace does not happen by accident. 

Another WJA Trade Show 2024 exhibitor giving a talk is Flowplant Group, one of the show’s four sponsors. Steve Smith, the company’s managing director, will speak about the history and continued development of the Harben pump, which is manufactured by Flowplant. 

The radial piston diaphragm pumps are known for  their exceptional performance and reliability in high-pressure applications. They also have ability to run-dry and handle fluids with some solid particles, making them very versatile. 

Oliver Newport, a specialist contractor adviser at First Insurance Solutions, which is exhibiting at WJA Trade Show 2024, will share expert knowledge about how best to ensure all aspects of a water jetting operation are effectively insured. 

Topics he will cover include: key questions for your insurance provider; being aware of endorsements and exclusions; what tools are covered by a claim for theft; and non-essential policies that provide significant protections. 

Book free tickets for WJA Trade Show 2024 
For quick and easy online booking of multiple free tickets, go to: www.wja07.ts3.testdigital.net/trade-show 

For more information, email: tradeshow@wja07.ts3.testdigital.net 
Or telephone: +44 (0) 20 8320 1090 

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