WaterJet Training – leading on safety and skills

WaterJet Training is a leading provider of accredited water jetting courses in the UK and internationally. It is also a great supporter of the Water Jetting Association. This is a key reason it is one of the sponsors of WJA Trade Show 2024, explains Director Lee O’Callaghan.
Being a sponsor of WJA Trade Show 2024 is an exciting opportunity and a privilege for everyone at WaterJet Training.
The exhibition will be a crucial platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and showcasing the latest advances in both water jetting and the work of the Water Jetting Association.
WaterJet Training is an active member of the WJA. I am a member of the WJA Board and I have been helping WJA Director Leanne Smith organise WJA Trade Show 2024.
I believe wholeheartedly in the mission of the WJA, which is to promote the safe delivery of water jetting and its development as an industrial application, as well as supporting and serving the interests of its members.
Plans to expand

From the earliest days of the WJA, training has been central to this mission. Many thousands of City & Guilds-accredited WJA water jetting courses are delivered every year in the UK and across the world.
I’m proud to say, WaterJet Training contributes to that number, delivering a growing number of WJA courses every year as a WJA-registered examination provider, with plans to expand this service over the next two years.
We have a team of WJA-approved coach/examiners who have experienced within the water jetting industry. This means we can deliver courses from an ‘on-tools’ perspective. We have been there, seen it, and done it.
This is vital when delivering water jetting training. We train many new candidates with limited experience of working with pressurised water.
But a good number are also very experienced, and are returning to complete their Safety Awareness Recap and practical module, which must be passed every three years to retain WJA certification.
It helps that we probably trained many of them when they took their courses for the first time.
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The point I make, is that, with an industrial process as inherently risky as water jetting, our training team must be able to impart the right knowledge, give the right practice skills instruction and do so in a way that ensures those messages stick. That way, they are there to be recalled when operatives go to work.
So, we need to explain, sometimes graphically, the potential danger of water jetting. But we also want to showcase its advantages. Many senior people in the water jetting industry have started out as jetting operatives.
We are aware that we are training people who are likely to become the water jetting leaders of the future, possibly setting up their own businesses and contributing to the continued success of our industry.
A real buzz from training
WaterJet Training’s motto is Safety First. Demonstrating how to complete work activities in a safe manner and pass on industry knowledge accrued through many years of experience is what gives us a real buzz as training providers.
I established WaterJet Training in 2019. I have experience at all levels of the water jetting industry, from van packs to jet vac tankers, from domestic drainage jobs to large-scale projects, working for large water companies.
I have witnessed huge change in the priority placed on safety in that time. The goal has always been to coach and educate candidates to complete work efficiently and to the highest possible safety standards for the good of the employer, employee and the general public.

Excited by training progress
In five years, we have built a large client base across the UK and globally. We believe in delivering continuous and consistent support. We are there
to advise company directors and senior managers as well as train their teams.
The best water jetting companies want to develop a positive health and safety culture. Training is just part of that process. It needs to be worked on at all levels in the organisation. We recognise that as a training providers.
Also, the WJA recognises it too. It is why the WJA is developing two new water jetting courses – for managers and for supervisors. We’re excited by this progress, and we certainly hope to be among the training providers who can deliver these courses.
Class and practical assessment
WaterJet Training has also built a training facility in Northwest London where we provide training room and real-time practical assessments for all our WJA courses. We can also deliver them at client locations, if the right facilities are in place.
WaterJet Training delivers the WJA’s one-day Safety Awareness course, as well as three of the WJA’s practical modules: Drain and Sewer; Drain, Sewer and Surface Preparation; and Surface Preparation.
Over the next two years, we will be adding more accrediting more courses, in partnership with the WJA, to support the water jetting industry and make the workplace as safe as possible for all.
Find out more
Talk to the WaterJet Training team.
Web: www.waterjettraining.co.uk
Phone: 0800 448 0186
Email: info@waterjettraining.co.uk
Book your FREE ticket for WJA Trade Show 2024 today. The event venue is less than 10 minutes from the end of the M1, with free on-site parking for visitors.